
Stream report - Natalie Paterson

Stream Report
On every Thursday, most of the time this year our class - room 13 has been going down to kaikorai stream to do water testing on Kaikorai stream. At kaikorai stream there were lots of tests you could do; P.H., conductivity, G.P.S. and clarity. I was in a group with Sammy, Jessie, Jacinda and me at the start our group job was G.P.S. where we measured air and water. Then when Sammy moved to Kaikorai Valley College our group became Jessie, me and Jacinda. We stopped doing G.P.S. and started doing conductivity which to me is a lot more fun than G.P.S. Also it’s a lot easier because all you have to do is scoop up a cup of water from the stream and put a little measure thing in the cup of water. It will then come up with a number on its smallish screen which yo write down, then you repeat 3 times and BINGO! You’re done. Stream testing is always fun and I’m glad we had the chance to try it this year.
By Natalie.

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